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Our Divisions

Build bridges not silos.

When we started out, everybody did everything. But that model doesn’t scale up well, to put it gently. Today, we’re organized in Divisions, each filled with industry specialists and talented experts. We get more stuff done—with next level results—because we’re all playing to our strengths.

Our challenge is collaborating like we did at the start. Connecting with the right people at the right time. Sharing your ideas, even when they fall outside your job description. Remember, we’re all after the same thing: Creating experiences that make residents happy. It takes the unique povand creativity of everyone to make it happen.

So use this section as a primer on how we’re organized and what our Divisions do. Look for places where you can jump in to share your ideas or connect the dots. Because if there’s one thing we’ve known from day one, great ideas come from anywhere.

People Operations

Friends with benefits-the health and wellness kind.

Culture crafters. Career planners. Cheerleaders. This team helps you navigate life at Core and work at your best.

They build bridges between our divisions, business lines, and employer entities. They understand the grind and give you what you need to stay on point, like new tools to make your job easier, new events to make it more fun, and new reasons to take a day off. They support our equity and inclusion goals, because we started as a bunch of bros but we always get better. Plus, they get you paid. They’re constantly improving our benefits package, and are all about making sure you use your perks to the fullest. From day one, they celebrate your wins and lift you up when you’re struggling. Whether you need a coach or an advocate, a vent seshor a shoulder to cry on1, they’ve got you.


Rocket fuel for revolutionizing real estate.

If we ever decide to build something on Mars, this team will line up the investors.

They’re out in front finding and securing the money that powers our pipeline. They’re brilliant finance minds for sure, but they’re not just about the numbers. It’s their job to build strong relationships with our lending partners, keeping them informed, confident, and ready for the next deal. They also work with the Development team to help manage our investments. They create and oversee budgets, financial forecasts, and business plans. And they monitor investments lifecycles to keep us on track with long term goals. Their insights help us make better decisions about how to improve properties, and when to hold or sell them. If they weren’t working here, they’d be starting the next Twitter.


We eat hurdles and red tape for breakfast.

The unofficial hardest job, this team is responsible for the financial success of our development pipeline.

They go hard from PSA through the start of construction, working with the Executive, Acquisition, Design, Pre-Construction and Development teams to underwrite, design, entitle, and permit our projects. The ultimate grinders, the folks on this team are masters of planning, persuasion, and consensus building. They get new projects off the ground by crushing the nastiest of curveballs and inspiring countless stakeholders with our vision. Their art is protecting our project budgets, schedules, and brand standards along the way.


Finders of needles in the haystack and diamonds in the rough

Peerless wheelers and dealers, this team identifies and sources the best investment opportunities.

They’re always on the hunt for premier ground-up development sites, and existing properties where our construction teams and property management expertise can add value. It’s their job to build relationships, keep an ear to the ground, and help us stay on the inside track for new deals. They also quarterback the research and underwriting to make sure every deal sets us up for success.


Welcome to the Ministry of Math.

These aren’t some dusty bookkeepers who appear from who-knows-where once a quarter.

They’re more like special ops mathletes who integrate into every aspect of our business. They do corporate budgets. They do A/P and A/R. They do financial reporting and tax compliance. They do construction draws, title, bonding, and insurance. They do capital calls, distributions, and investment tracking. And they’re involved in our funds, development, and recap as well. If it takes hard math, and it’s mission critical to get right, these are the savants who get it done.


Where the magic happens.

Creative visionaries. Design junkies. Innovation gurus.

It’s a team effort, but let’s be real—this team has been instrumental in helping us win just about every industry award there is. They design our built environments and help shape our resident experience—from concept to execution. They work with architects, interior designers, fabricators, furniture makers, and artists of every stripe, obsessing over the details that make our properties unforgettable places to live. The lighting. The sound. The scents. The flow. You know that moment when people walk into our lobbies and stop cold in amazement? That’s them at work.

Pre-Construction & Construction

Maestros of moving parts.

The team that gets new developments done on time, on budget, and on point.

They go strong from project inception through handoff to Property Management. They manage a ton of moving parts and personalities—from permits and drawings, to contractors and designers, to finishes and furnishings. And they make it all work by anticipating pitfalls, thinking on their feet, and grinding through adversity. In fact, in a company full of grinders, they’re right at the top. Their aim is to clear every hurdle in their path and make every property we build a masterpiece of design and construction.

Defense wins championships.

Handlers of all things legal, but laser-focused on real estate transactions, this team keeps us squarely on the straight and narrow.

They make sure we don’t get sued by reading the finest print and thinking through gnarliest scenarios. They negotiate contracts and oversee purchase and sales agreements. They oversee asset financing and investment fund formations. They oversee joint venture documents and partner agreements. And from time to time, they oversee disputes. Lots of overseeing. They’re like a force field always over us, keeping trouble out. When you sleep well at night, comfortable with your level of exposure and liability, in a blissful state of de-risked delight, maybe send a thank you to this team in the morning.


Flow starts here.

Natural problem solvers, from big, business-transforming problems, to small, why-the-hell-won’t-this-connect problems.

They’re always hunting down new technology solutions that make us more efficient and help us build better relationships with our residents and partners. They build new tools and apps that make life easier for us and our residents. They run the Helpdesk and handle technology training. They even get Entrata and Sisense to work. Plus, they set up your laptop just how you like. When you’re flowing through your day, knocking things out with technology that just works effortlessly, that’s this team delivering the goods.


The heart, soul and face of Core.

When our story needs to be told to the right people, in the right way, this team steps up.

In short, they are the brand guardians. They dig deep into our markets to help weave local culture into our buildings and authenticity into our communications. They create the tools we need to lease up and get heads in beds—ads, social media, ambassadors, websites, brochures. And they manage our partner agency relationships—advertising and PR firms, print shops and web developers. From when a resident first hears about us, to the campaigns nudging them to lease, to the Welcome Box waiting for them at move-in, the masterminds on the Marketing team turn the resident journey into a cohesive experience and give our brands their heart and soul.

Property Management

The "live the dream" team.

This team brings our buildings to life. They’re one of our biggest differentiators and they have a mile long list of responsibilities.

Marketing, leasing, and sales. Accounting and reporting. Training and managing on-site staff. Property maintenance and security. Technology and information systems. Lifestyle programming. The list goes on, but above all is customer service and taking care of residents. High touch and heartfelt, this team’s hospitality is our number one amenity and the culmination of everything we do. We don’t move forward without the resident experience that they create.

Management Services

We make sure well-oiled machines stay that way.

The handiest folks in the company, this team takes care of our buildings and their physical assets.

They know their way around a toolbox, but their real skill is managing projects, overseeing vendors, and getting ahead of issues before residents get on the horn. They run major capex projects and deferred maintenance. They negotiate and manage service contracts, like trash, elevators, and landscaping. They handle unique vendor relationships, like bike rentals and music systems. They monitor life safety systems so they’re ready when needed. And they review new developments to make sure operational needs are considered and buildings are designed to make maintenance a breeze.